This is the E-commerce (e-commerce) website where customer can buy the products electronically through an online service by using tremendous eco-friendly E-commerce website.
Below are the features which we are providing to our customer:
- User friendly login using google or Facebook account.
- Huge number of products.
- User can buy the bulk products or single products as per their choice.
- User can customise the products by using their name, photo or logo etc.
- Hustle free delivery
- User can chat and discuss about the doubt or confusion.
We are also maintaining the system and quarries if it comes from customer.
- Shop managers can approve or disapprove the sale request as per avlability.
- Store managers also have the option of managing the order request, as well as offering suggestions to the buyer.
- We have full right to change the price without prior information to the buyer as well as maintaining inventory, logistics, product descriptions.